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Research & Reports

“Designed To Be Unfair” The Impact of Disadvantage on Pupils in UK State Schools

This research documents the impact of poverty on young people's education in London.

The Christmas Challenge 2022 End of Programme Impact Report

Read how our Christmas Challenge programme has helped over 130,000 children through the funding of 89 projects all across London.

On The Breadline - Cost of Living Crisis Appeal Impact Report

In response to the rising cost of living in London which continues to make life more challenging for children experiencing poverty, we partnered with The London Evening Standard, I News and Comic Relief to launch a Christmas appeal to alleviate its disproportionate impact on children living in poverty in London. Read how this programme has helped over 90,000 children through the funding of 18 projects all across London, successfully providing 1,412,831 nutritious meals and 4,261 child-led reading sessions.

"There's Nothing Left for you" - Children in Deep Poverty

This research documents the impact of deep poverty on children living in London.

2022-2023 Annual Impact Report

Last year we helped over 260,000 children across the capital to access nutritious meals, engage in purposeful play and learning, take part in new activities and sports, leave their urban surroundings on trips, engage with mentors, stay safe during the holidays and much more. Read in further detail about our impact here.

"People Don't Understand" The Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on Children & Young People with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

This research documents how the cost-of-living crisis is impacting children with SEND.

A place called home - Refugee children in London

A report offering insight into the lived experiences of refugee children in London.

The London Child Poverty Report 2023

A current and detailed overview of key issues affecting children and families living in poverty in London.

Annual Report & Accounts 2021-22

Our Annual Report and Accounts for 2021-22 as filed with the Charity Commission and Companies House

People don't understand. The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on children with SEND

A report on the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on children with special educational needs and disabilities.

A report on food insecurity impacting school aged children in London

The Childhood Trust commissioned this research to explore the issue of food insecurity amongst children and families specifically in London. The report examines the impact of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis on the food security of disadvantaged children supported by the Childhood Trust’s charity partners in the capital.

2021-2022 Annual Impact Report

Last year we helped over 200,000 children across London. Together with our charity partners we have delivered nutritious meals, purposeful play, safe spaces away from gangs and violence, mentoring, therapy, support for learning needs, bursaries for the arts, new experiences, life changing breaks away from the city, free childcare, support for child trafficking victims and so much more. Read more about our impact here.

Hungry, Anxious and Scared (June 2022)

A report focused on the impact of the cost of living crisis. Our research reveals how record levels of inflation are pushing many families to breaking point and the devastating effect this uncertainty is having on children's mental health.

Refugee Children in London - Reporting on the preparation of support by charities for children from Ukraine

In response to the anticipated arrival of children from Ukraine, this research report provides a snapshot of the services provided by charities in London to meet the needs of existing refugee children and young people. It also highlights the extensive preparations and planning being undertaken by charities to support Ukrainian children.

Cold, Hungry and Stressed

This report features research that documents how rising energy and food prices, plus the ending of the furlough scheme and £20 universal credit uplift, have impacted disadvantaged children in winter 2022.

Post Lockdown Children in Crisis (June 2021)

This original research report explores the links between social distancing and the mental health of children in poverty in London.

2021 London Child Poverty Report

A current and detailed overview of key issues affecting children and families living in poverty in London.

Children in Lockdown Report

An examination of recent studies and testimonies on the effects and consequences of the COVID-19 lockdown on children living in poverty.

London Child Poverty Summit: Post Summit Report

A summary of the presentations, panel discussions, and questions and answers from the 2019 London Child Poverty Summit.

Bedrooms of London Report

An accompanying report to The Childhood Trust’s Bedrooms of London exhibition. The report summarizes the policy and legislative background to the housing issues faced by families shown in the exhibition.

Annual Report and Accounts

The Childhood Trust’s 2019 Annual Report details the activities and finances of the Trust for the year ended 30 June 2019.

Child Poverty, Coronavirus & Christmas

An investigation into the effects of the pandemic on low-income families during the Christmas period.

The Children's Summer Holiday Manifesto

This Summer Holiday Manifesto is created by children.
Keenly aware of cuts to youth services in London
the children wanted to use their voices to create
a set of basic entitlements that should apply to all
children during the Summer Holidays, regardless
of socioeconomic status.
This manifesto is their rallying cry for change.

A Qualitative Evaluation of the Decorate A Child's Life Programme

A report summarising the findings from an impact study evaluating the The Childhood Trust's housing support programme, Decorate A Child's Life.